Designation: Consultant in Reproductive medicine
Current Company: MMR Hospital, Kamal Vihar, Raipur, CG
Highest Qualification: MBBS, MD (OBGYN) , FRM, FICOG, FAMS
Industry Type: Health Care
Date of Birth: 1978-06-02
Experience: 17 Years
Contact No: 9244122044
Already done more than 5000cycles of ICSI/ 3500cycles of IUI,TESA,TESE, MESA and Surrogacy
Able to do hysteroscopy and laparoscopy with major therapeutic procedure.
Already done more than 3000TLH and fertility enhancing endoscopic surgery.
More than 1000TAH and more than 5000LSCS.
More than 500cases of VH.
More than 2000 cases of high-risk pregnancy and critical care obstetrics
Paper Presentations:
- Paper Presentation – Case presentation on an unusual case of mullerian anomaly in all India conference FOGSI (Aurangabad) and state conference Bhubaneswar Orissa Govt. (Got 1st prize)
- Paper Presentation - A comparison study of fertility outcome of endometrioses with progesterone, dannazole and GnRh in all India national conference of FOGSI 2006 (Kochi)
- Paper presentation - to evaluate the association of MTH folate reductase poly morphism with development of preclampsia and eclampsia in primigravida in NATIONAL ALL INDIA CONFRENCE 2010 at Guwahati & appreciated by owning “C S DAWN AWARD”
- Paper presentation - a study of long term clinical effectiveness and patient satisfaction after endometrial ablation using thermal balloon in NATIONAL ALL CONFRENCE 2011 at Hyderabad
- Poster presentation - Post partum AKI ,Convulsion Think beyond PIH at Ahmedabad in October 2017(Got 1st prize).
- Paper presentation - UTI, Fatigue and pancytopenia in post menopause lady-Do obstetrics history carry importance presented in AOGCG in 2018 at Raipur(Got 2nd prize)
- Paper Presentation- Rare case of HUS manage successful by plasmapheresis 2018 AICOG, Bhubneswar
- Paper presentation- Incidence, etiological profile and outcome of postpartum acute kidney injury in Chhattisgarh-A single centre Retrospective study: presented in AOGCG 2019 at Raipur.
- Uterine fibroids of more than 18 weeks size associated with DVT Ahmed in pelvis and pulmonary embolism-4case report published in JOGI,2014,64(supplement),5.70.
- A rare case report of Pheochromocytoma complicating pregnancy –Journal of Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jan-Mar 2019,Vol 9,No 1.
- Post partum acute kidney injury in tertiary care centre-Single centre experience from central india: Saudi journal of kidney disease and transplantation 2021;32(4):1111-1117.
- Goodpasteur syndrome with P-ANCA vasculitis in pregnancy-Published in Journal of Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Apr-Jun,34 Volume 10.No.2.
- Post Partum Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome with PRESS managed with Plasmapheresis- Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology journal, volume 11,No.1,Jan-Mar,2021.
- Effect of Embryo Glue as a Transfer Medium in the outcome of implantation rate and live birth rate in freeze-thaw embryo transfer cycles-Pan Asia Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology2021;4(1):14-21.
- A Rare Case Of late onset Sheehans syndrome-Abstract at IJN,2018 Dec:28(Suppl. 1):S28-S122
Author of Chapter
1) Chaudhary Anuradha(2018).Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. In Seema Pandey, Pratik Tambe(Edin).Handbook of Drugs in Infertility(69-81).New Delhi, Jaypee brothers medical publisher.
2) Chaudhary Anuradha(2019).OHSS and its Management. In Gita ganguly Mukherjee, Gautam Khastgir, Siddhartha Chatterjee(Edin).Practical Guide In Assisted Reproductive Technology(183-187).New Delhi, The health sciences publisher.
Other Qualifications:
Academic Details
Graduation: MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery).1996-2001,V.S S M college Burla, Sambalpur University Odisha. Recieved merit scholarship and Gold Medal in Gynaecology.
Post Graduation: MD (Doctor of Medicine) in obstetrics & gynecology. 2004-2007, SCB Medical college Cuttack Utkal university Orissa. Received Gold Medal
MMR Hospital, Kamal Vihar, Raipur, CG